Thursday, May 7, 2015

Goblins, Painting, and Books

Angela recently had her spring break and was sooo happy to take some time to relax. She spent most of the week painting, and she also read about 5 books.  Here is some of the great paintings she worked on during spring break and in the past few weeks.

This one was for a contest with Michael's with a theme of "Dreaming of Paris" and they even asked to feature it on their site!  

Mr. Turtle 

While she has been painting she has been watching Star Trek Voyager. I've never seen the show before but I was pleasantly surprised how fun it is. I've always been a Star Wars guy but enjoyed the dark side.  I think its a breath of fresh air from the current shows because its funny, has action, and drama without being dirty,crude, or full of sexual themes. So if you are wondering what to watch on Netflix this Voyager could be great choice for you. 

We decided that one day during Angela's spring break that we would take a day trip to Goblin Valley. I've never been there before so I was excited about the adventure. We were facing a decision a while ago about moving out of state and we talked about all the fun things we could possible do in this new location. It then dawned on us that here we were talking about all the things in this new location and we haven't even explored all of what Utah has to offer. The moving situation fell through, but we now have made it a goal to visit more parts of our state. 

This adventure was strangely enough the longest car journey that we have ever taken as couple. Maybe we were becoming hermits, but at any rate we broke out to hit the open road!  Goblin Valley was such a fun place. The "goblins" are fun to climb on and it feels like you have almost stepped on another world. (Fun fact they filmed scenes from Galaxy Quest at Goblin Valley) The weather couldn't have been more perfect and we were pleasantly surprised to see a fair amount of people enjoying the park as well. We adventured around for a few hours and took the trip back home. Angela decided that on the back she would read to me to past the time. She read aloud Treasure Island, one of her favorites, to which I have previously not read. It made the ride home fly by and got me hooked on the book. Our next trip we think will be a visit to Moab. 

I wanted to play hide and seek. Angela...not so much. 


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